Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why hello....where have you been?

So it's been a few months....I took a break....lots went on, however, it was not all good nor all bad, just life I guess.

I got back onto the treadmill today and it's going to take a bit to work back up to where I last was. I also went back to weight watchers and weigh'd in and in 3 months I was down 1.8 pounds...I call that a NSV! I didn't gain and I actually lost....PLUS I've gone down a size in clothes so I guess I'm just rearranging where things are falling on my body...does that mean I'm getting older? YIKES!

Lots of things are happening around me right now that are trying to stress me out but I'm just taking one things at a time and trying to really maintain my level of comfort as to not sabotage myself and allow stress to get the best of me! We shall see how it all works I suppose :)

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